1. General Information
    On the basis of Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation, EU Journal of Laws 119/1 of 04/05/2016 – hereinafter referred to as GDPR), please be informed as follows:
  2. The Data Controller of your personal data is:
    POLISH SHIPPING COMPANIES ASSOCIATION (PL: Polski Związek Przedsiębiorców Żeglugowych)
    NIP (Tax Identification Nr): 5862295208
    REGON: 360905328
    81-368 Gdynia 6 Pułaskiego St. POLANDE-mail address: sekr@pzpz.org
    Ph Nr: +48 697-054-648
  3. Your personal data (as Data Subject) is processed in the following scope:
    a) name and surname,
    b) e-mail address,
    c) telephone number
  4. The purpose for processing your personal data is to promote the Association activities specified in of the PSA Statute such as:
    1) shaping conditions favourable for conducting business activities in Poland by shipowners and ship managers with respect to the principles of fair competition and maintaining a level playing field;
    2) introduction and development of new forms of shipping operations;
    3) comprehensive development of Polish maritime economy, especially on the basis of regional shipping operations and ship management centres
  5. The Data Controller may also process your personal data if:
    a) processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation bestowed upon the Data Controller;
    b) processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the Data Subject.
  6. Your personal data is not subject to automated profiling and will not be processed for purposes other than those specified in Pt. 3 and 4.
  7. At any time, you are entitled to access your personal data, rectify it, delete or limit the scope of processing, as well as exercise the right to object to the processing and the exercise the right to transfer data. You can exercise these rights directly at the Controller’s correspondence address, in writing, by means of electronic communication or by phone.
  8. Your personal data will be processed / stored until you withdraw your consent to processing / storage, except for the case when Data Controller is obliged to fulfil processing obligations for archival purposes in the public interest, scientific, historical or statistical purposes and if it is likely that your “right to be forgotten” will make it impossible or difficult to achieve the purposes of such processing.
  9. The Data Controller’s website (www. pzpz.org) may contain links to other websites. Such websites operate independently of the website and are in no way supervised by the www.pzpz.org website. These websites may have their own privacy policies and regulations, which we recommend to get yourself acquainted with. If in doubt about any of the provisions of this privacy policy, please contact us (contact details are included in CONTACT).
  10. Should you come to the conclusion that the processing of your personal data by the Data Controller violates the provisions of the GDPR and other relevant acts, in particular the Polish Act of May 10, 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000) – you have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (address: ul. 2 Stawki St., 00-193 Warsaw, Poland). The complaint is free of charge.


In the interest of privacy and security of our Users, we present below important information regarding cookies.

  1. Cookies – small text files sent from the server that are referenced to on our website, are used on websites primarily for the convenience of Users, including to adapt best the content and website functions to their needs and expectations, as well as for statistical purposes.
  2. The website pzpz.org automatically collects only information contained in cookies and places cookies on the User’s end device and having access to them.
  3. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
    matching the content of the website to the individual preferences of the User, first of all these files recognize his/her device to display the page according to his/her preferences,
    • preparing statistics aimed at helping to understand the preferences and behaviour of users. The analysis of these statistics is anonymous and allows you to adjust the content and appearance of the website in line with prevailing trends. Statistics are also used to assess the popularity of the website,
    • possibility of logging into the website,
    • maintaining the User’s log-in on each subsequent page of the website.
  4. Each User can change the cookie settings in the browser they use, including completely disabling the possibility of saving them. If you do not disable the option of saving cookies from our websites – it means that you consent to their saving and storing on your computer.
    The methods for changing the settings in the most popular web browsers are presented below:Internet Explorer
    Menu ==> Tools ==> Internet Options ==> Privacy – select appropriate option.Mozilla Firefox
    Menu ==> Options ==> Privacy and Security ==> select appropriate option.Google Chrome
    Menu ==> Settings ==> Advanced ==> Privacy and security ==> select appropriate option.Opera
    Menu ==> Preferences ==> Advanced ==> Cookies ==> select appropriate option.Safari
    Menu ==> Preferences ==> Privacy ==> Cookies – select appropriate option
  5. If you decide to reject all cookies, you will not be able to use some of the functionalities, content and services available on our website, in particular those requiring login. However, disabling cookies does not make it impossible to browse the website.
  6. crecertfinder.com uses two basic types of files (cookies) – session and permanent. Session files are temporary, they are stored until you leave the website (by entering another page, logging out or turning off the browser). Permanent files are stored on the User’s end device until they are deleted by the user or for the time specified in their settings.
  7. The files (cookies) used by pzpz.org (placed on the User’s end device) may be made available to its partners and the advertiser cooperating with it. Third-party websites, which www.pzpz.org website may refer to, may also use cookies other than those listed above, including, in particular, files enabling logging in and delivering advertisements corresponding to the User’s preferences and behaviour.
  8. If you use a different web browser, also those for mobile devices (phone, smartphone, tablet), see the options regarding privacy protection in the documentation on the software manufacturer’s website.
  9. More detailed information on files (cookies) is available on the ciasteczka.org.pl website.